[OpenBIOS] [PATCH] Adds local variable support to OpenBIOS.

Programmingkid programmingkidx at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 03:26:05 CEST 2012

Here is the patch for local variable support. I have made several improvements to the code using the feedback I received.

Signed-off-by: John Arbuckle <programmingkidx at gmail.com>. 

 forth/bootstrap/interpreter.fs |   42 ++-
 forth/util/util.fs             |  567 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 597 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/forth/bootstrap/interpreter.fs b/forth/bootstrap/interpreter.fs
index 5187058..3be9f0c 100644
--- a/forth/bootstrap/interpreter.fs
+++ b/forth/bootstrap/interpreter.fs
@@ -40,16 +40,9 @@
 \ Miscellaneous dictionary
-\ interpreter. This word checks whether the interpreted word
-\ is a word in dictionary or a number. It honours compile mode 
-\ and immediate/compile-only words.
-: interpret 
-  0 >in !
-  begin
-    parse-word dup 0> \ was there a word at all?
-  while
-    $find 
+\ most of the old version of interpret
+: oldInterpret
+ $find 
       dup flags? 0<> state @ 0= or if
@@ -70,9 +63,34 @@
     depth 0<      if -4 throw then
     rdepth 200 >= if -5 throw then 
     rdepth 0<     if -6 throw then
-  repeat
+Defer mydefer		  
+false VALUE usingLocals
+\ The refactored interpret	-	supports local variables
+: interpret
+ 0 >in !
+  begin
+    parse-word dup 0>   ( addr len flag )  \ was there a word at all?
+  while					( addr len )
+	usingLocals true = if  ( addr len )	\ if local variables are being used
+		mydefer				( addr len flag )
+		not if	 ( )	\ if symbol is not a local variable
+			oldInterpret
+		then
+	else	\ if not using local variables
+		oldInterpret
+	then
+	repeat
-  ;
 : refill ( -- )
 	ib #ib @ expect 0 >in ! ;
diff --git a/forth/util/util.fs b/forth/util/util.fs
index 6f549bf..3f5bb21 100644
--- a/forth/util/util.fs
+++ b/forth/util/util.fs
@@ -93,3 +93,570 @@
   2dup " tell" is-relay
+\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\		Local Variable Support
+\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ Creates an array variable
+: ARRAY ( cellCount - )
+		CR ." Please specify an array size." CR
+		abort
+	\ Compile-time behavior
+	CREATE CELLS ALLOT		\ creates and initializes the instance
+	\ Run-time behavior	
+	DEPTH 2 < IF
+		CR ." Please specify an index number." CR
+		drop		\ removes the address of the array instance
+		-1 throw	\ stop normal execution after error
+	SWAP CELLS +	\ Calculates address to return 
+; immediate
+\ Declare the local-base-address VALUE
+0 VALUE local-base-address
+\ returns the base address used for the local words
+: getBaseAddress ( - addr )
+	local-base-address
+\ sets the base address used for the local words
+: setBaseAddress ( addr -  )
+	TO local-base-address
+\ Sets the first local variable's value
+: Local0!	( x - )
+	0 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the second local variable's value
+: Local1!	( x - )
+	1 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the third local variable's value
+: Local2!	( x - )
+	2 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the fourth local variable's value
+: Local3!	( x - )
+	3 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the fifth local variable's value
+: Local4!	( x - )
+	4 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the sixth local variable's value
+: Local5!	( x - )
+	5 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the seventh local variable's value
+: Local6!	( x - )
+	6 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the eighth local variable's value
+: Local7!	( x - )
+	7 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the ninth local variable's value
+: Local8!	( x - )
+	8 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the tenth local variable's value
+: Local9!	( x - )
+	9 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the eleventh local variable's value
+: Local10!	( x - )
+	10 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ Sets the twelfth local variable's value
+: Local11!	( x - )
+	11 CELLS getBaseAddress + !
+\ **** Calculates the needed amount of memory for local variables ****
+0 value variableCount
+: calculateNeededMemory ( "char" - n )
+	0 TO variableCount
+	>in @	\ keep track of where the pointer was	
+	begin
+		parse-word
+		0= if			\ if there is no more text to parse
+			drop
+			true
+		else
+			dup " ;" comp 
+			0= if		\ if the semicolon is encountered
+				drop	\ drop the duplicated address 
+				false
+			else
+				" }" comp 
+				0= if		\ if '}' character is encountered
+					true	\ end loop because '}' marks end of local variables 
+				else	
+					variableCount 1 + TO variableCount
+					false
+				then
+			then
+		then
+	until	
+	>in ! \ reset the pointer
+	variableCount CELLS	
+\ **** allocates the memory for local variables ****
+: allocateMemory	( n - addr )
+	alloc-mem dup 0= if 
+		drop
+		cr cr 10 spaces abort" Failed to allocate memory for local variables!" cr cr
+	then
+\ Declares the size of the local variable table
+48 CONSTANT localTableSize
+\ Declare the local variable table
+localTableSize ARRAY localVariableTable
+\ Keeps track of end of array 
+0 VALUE arrayCount
+\ gets the number of records in the local variable table
+: getLocalRecordCount
+	arrayCount 4 /
+\ Clears the local variable table
+: initLocalTable ( - )
+	\ free all the dynamically allocated memory
+	arrayCount 0 ?do
+		I 3 + localVariableTable @	( addr )
+		free-mem	( ) 
+	4 +loop
+	0 localVariableTable localTableSize erase
+	0 TO arrayCount
+\ Adds a local variable symbol to the local variable table
+: addLocal ( addr len order initflag -  )
+	depth 4 < if
+		cr ." The stack needs at least 4 values to add a local variable." cr
+		exit
+	then
+	\ add to the table
+	arrayCount 0 + localVariableTable !		\ initflag
+	arrayCount 1 + localVariableTable !		\ order
+	arrayCount 2 + localVariableTable !		\ len
+	arrayCount 3 + localVariableTable !		\ addr
+	\ allocate memory for the symbol
+	arrayCount 2 + localVariableTable @		( length ) 
+	alloc-mem	( memaddr )
+	dup			( memaddr memaddr )
+	dup			( memaddr memaddr memaddr )
+	\ called only when memaddr = 0
+	0=			( memaddr memaddr flag )
+	if
+		cr ." Failed to allocate memory in addLocal!" cr   ( memaddr memaddr )	
+	then
+	\ copy local variable name to a safe location
+	arrayCount 3 + localVariableTable @			( memaddr memaddr addr ) 
+	swap										( memaddr addr memaddr )
+	arrayCount 2 + localVariableTable @			( memaddr addr memaddr length )
+	move										( memaddr )
+	arrayCount 3 + localVariableTable !			( )
+	\ increment arrayCount
+	arrayCount 4 + TO arrayCount
+\ prints the local variable table
+: printLocalTable
+	arrayCount 0= if
+		cr ." No variables loaded" cr 
+		exit
+	then
+	arrayCount 0 ?do
+		cr ." Variable name: " 
+		I 3 + localVariableTable @ 
+		I 2 + localVariableTable @
+		type
+		."  Order: " 
+		I 1 + localVariableTable @ .
+		."  Init Flag: " 
+		I 0 + localVariableTable @ .
+	4 	
+	+loop 
+\ Finds a local variable symbol in the local variable table
+\ Returns its order or -1 on failure
+: getOrder ( addr len - order ) 
+	\ if the address and length are missing
+	depth 2 < if
+		cr ." Address and length are required on the stack to use getOrder!" cr
+		-1 throw	\ ends execution
+	then
+	arrayCount 0 ?do
+		over ( addr len addr )
+		I 3 +	( addr len addr addrindex )
+		localVariableTable @    ( addr len addr addr1 )
+		2 pick	( addr len addr addr1 len ) 
+		\ check if lengths of two strings are the same length
+		dup		( addr len addr addr1 len len )	
+		I 2 + localVariableTable @		( addr len addr addr1 len len len1)
+		=		( addr len addr addr1 len flag)
+		if		\ if lengths are equal
+			comp	( addr len flag)
+			0=		( addr len flag )
+			if		\ if the symbol is found
+				2drop	(  )
+				I 1 + localVariableTable @	( order )
+				unloop
+				exit
+			then
+		else	\ if the lengths are different
+			3drop	( addr len )
+		then
+	4	\ increment the index by 4
+	+loop
+	2drop ( addr len - )
+	 -1		\ returns -1 for the order if the symbol is not found
+\ **** read the local variables in the input stream **** 
+0 VALUE useTopStackValue
+0 VALUE index
+0 VALUE localVariableMemory
+: readLocalVariables  ( "char" - )
+	0 TO index
+	true TO useTopStackValue
+	begin
+	parse-word	( addr len )
+	  dup		( addr len len )
+	  0>		( addr len flag )
+	while		( addr len )
+		2dup	( addr len addr len )
+		drop	( addr len addr )
+		" }"	( addr len addr addr len ) 
+		comp	( addr len flag )
+		0=		( addr len flag )
+		if		( addr len ) \  if end of local variables
+			drop	( addr )
+			drop	( )
+			exit	( )
+		then
+		2dup	( addr len addr len )
+		drop	( addr len addr )
+		" ;"	( addr len addr addr len )
+		comp	( addr len flag )
+		0=		( addr len flag )
+		if		( addr len )		\ if not using top stack value for local variables
+			false TO useTopStackValue	( addr len )
+			2drop						( )
+		else						\ add local variable to table
+			index useTopStackValue		( addr len order useTopStackValue )
+			addLocal			(  )
+			index 1 + TO index		\ increment index
+		then
+	repeat
+	drop	( addr )
+	drop	( )
+\ FALSE VALUE usingLocals   \ not needed because it is in the interpreter.fs file
+\ sets the stack size
+1000 CONSTANT maxStackSize
+\ declare the local stack
+maxStackSize ARRAY localStack
+\ declare the stack top pointer
+0 VALUE localStackTop
+\ Adds to the top of the local stack
+: pushLocalStack ( x - L:x )
+	localStackTop maxStackSize 1 - > 
+		if
+			cr ." Local stack overflow!" cr
+			maxStackSize TO localStackTop		\ sets localStackTop back to the max size
+		then
+	localStackTop localStack ! ( x - )
+	localStackTop 1 + TO localStackTop
+\ Removes the top local stack value and places it into the data stack
+: popLocalStack ( L:x - x )
+	localStackTop 1 - TO localStackTop	
+	localStackTop 0< if						\ if popping too many items
+		cr ." Local stack underflow!" cr
+		0 TO localStackTop					\ sets localStackTop back to zero
+		abort
+	then
+	localStackTop localStack @	
+12 CONSTANT localVariableLimit
+\ ***** sets up local variables ******
+: {		( "char"  - )
+	initLocalTable
+	\ localVariableLimit CELLS	( memorySize )
+	calculateNeededMemory		( memorySize )
+	allocateMemory				( memorySize - addr )
+	TO localVariableMemory		( )
+	readLocalVariables			( )
+	TRUE TO usingLocals
+	\ add code to the current definition 
+	\ saves the old base address
+	postpone getBaseAddress
+	postpone pushLocalStack
+	\ sets the base address to this definition's reserved memory 
+	localVariableMemory	
+	postpone literal
+	postpone setBaseAddress
+	\ add code to initialize the variables if needed
+	0 arrayCount 4 -	( end start )
+	?do
+		I 0 + localVariableTable @		( flag )	\ get the init flag
+		true				( flag true )
+		=					( flag1 )
+		if
+			I 4 /			( variable number )
+			case 
+				0 of ['] Local0! , endof
+				1 of ['] Local1! , endof
+				2 of ['] Local2! , endof
+				3 of ['] Local3! , endof
+				4 of ['] Local4! , endof
+				5 of ['] Local5! , endof
+				6 of ['] Local6! , endof
+				7 of ['] Local7! , endof
+				8 of ['] Local8! , endof
+				9 of ['] Local9! , endof
+				10 of ['] Local10! , endof
+				11 of ['] Local11! , endof
+				cr ." Can't save to local variable! " cr 
+				exit
+			endcase
+		then 
+	-4
+	+loop
+; immediate	   \ declares this word as a compiler directive
+\ sets values for local variables
+: ->	( - )
+	parse-word ( addr len )
+	getOrder ( order )
+	dup		( order order )
+	-1 =	( order flag )
+	if	\ if the symbol isn't found
+		cr ." Symbol is not a local variable! " cr
+		drop	( )
+		exit
+	then
+	case 
+		0 of ['] Local0! , endof
+		1 of ['] Local1! , endof
+		2 of ['] Local2! , endof
+		3 of ['] Local3! , endof
+		4 of ['] Local4! , endof
+		5 of ['] Local5! , endof
+		6 of ['] Local6! , endof
+		7 of ['] Local7! , endof
+		8 of ['] Local8! , endof
+		9 of ['] Local9! , endof
+		10 of ['] Local10! , endof
+		11 of ['] Local11! , endof
+		cr ." Can't save to local variable! " cr 
+		exit
+	endcase
+; immediate
+\ returns the first local variable's value
+: Local0@
+	0 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the second local variable's value
+: Local1@
+	1 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the third local variable's value
+: Local2@
+	2 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the fourth local variable's value
+: Local3@
+	3 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the fifth local variable's value
+: Local4@
+	4 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the sixth local variable's value
+: Local5@
+	5 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the seventh local variable's value
+: Local6@
+	6 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the eighth local variable's value
+: Local7@
+	7 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the ninth local variable's value
+: Local8@
+	8 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the tenth local variable's value
+: Local9@
+	9 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the eleventh local variable's value
+: Local10@
+	10 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ returns the twelfth local variable's value
+: Local11@
+	11 CELLS getBaseAddress + @
+\ determines if a symbol is a local variable
+\ returns true if the symbol is a local variable, false otherwise
+: LFIND	( addr len - )	
+	depth 2 < if	\ if the address and length are not on the stack
+		exit
+	then
+	2dup		( addr len addr len )
+	getOrder	( addr len addr len - addr len n )
+	dup			( addr len n - addr len n n )
+	-1 = if		\ if the symbol isn't a local variable
+		drop	( addr len n - addr len )
+		false	( addr len flag )
+	else	\ if the symbol is a local variable
+		case 
+			0 of ['] Local0@ , endof
+			1 of ['] Local1@ , endof
+			2 of ['] Local2@ , endof
+			3 of ['] Local3@ , endof
+			4 of ['] Local4@ , endof
+			5 of ['] Local5@ , endof
+			6 of ['] Local6@ , endof
+			7 of ['] Local7@ , endof
+			8 of ['] Local8@ , endof
+			9 of ['] Local9@ , endof
+			10 of ['] Local10@ , endof
+			11 of ['] Local11@ , endof
+			\ default case
+			2drop ( addr len - )
+			cr ." Could not compile local variable!" cr
+			TRUE	( addr len flag ) 
+			exit
+		endcase
+		2drop ( addr len - )
+		." compiled "	\ display this text when entering a local variable symbol
+		true	( addr len flag )
+	then 
+\ Redefine colon to clean up after {
+: ;
+	usingLocals TRUE = 
+	if
+		FALSE TO usingLocals
+		postpone popLocalStack
+		postpone setBaseAddress
+	then
+	postpone ; 
+; immediate
+' lfind is mydefer		\ makes lfind work in INTERPRET

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