To Join GNU?

M Carling m at
Wed Feb 3 20:14:14 CET 1999

There are some advantages to joining GNU:
Publicity, which means more contributors
Credibility, which may get MB manufacturers to evaluate the code sooner

On the other hand, RMS is petty about semantics. I think that not being
allowed to use the term "open source" is silly. And then there's the
restriction about "GNU/Linux" vs "Linux" which presents special problems
for the OpenBIOS project becase the BIOS software is generally concerned
with the kernel rather than with the whole OS. RMS might not be too 
pleased about us calling Linux "Linux" even though we really only mean
the kernel, in cases where we *could* mean the OS.

I'm not opposed to joining GNU, but doing so will entail putting up with
RMS's politics and rants. 


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